Enhancing Safety and Collaboration: Lee Kennedy’s Approach
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The safety team at Lee Kennedy Co., a full-service construction firm based in Quincy, Massachusetts, has developed an innovative system for assessing their subcontractors. This “Top 10, Bottom 10” approach allows the Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) staff to rank subcontractors based on past performance, including job site observations and injury reports.

This insight, unlocked with the help of Highwire, allows the safety team to evaluate subcontractors using meaningful data. However, the team understands that safety is not just about data—it’s about incentives and alignment across all parties involved.

Building Partnerships for Safety

“We consider subcontractors our partners,” says Gavin Taylor, CSP, Director of Environmental, Health, and Safety at Lee Kennedy Co. “We all work together to get a job done.”

Taylor emphasizes the importance of effective communication at all project levels. The “Top 10, Bottom 10” system gives a snapshot of subcontractors’ safety standings but does not prevent collaboration with those needing improvement. The goal is always to foster improvement through engagement. “We meet with them to discuss changes they can make to their safety programs,” Taylor explains.

Hazards on a Spectrum

A project team’s safety culture can be tested at any moment by hidden hazards. Daily diligence, such as ensuring workers have the proper equipment, is crucial. Taylor recounts an incident where roofers lacked the right equipment, leading to a re-evaluation of their methods and a team meeting to address the issue.

Such scenarios highlight discrepancies between subcontractors’ understanding and management’s expectations. Effective communication, including daily meetings and thorough correspondence, is essential to align these expectations and prevent injuries. “Conditions change, and you have to adapt,” Taylor notes.

Executive Involvement in Safety

Taylor underscores the significant role of company executives in shaping safety culture. At Lee Kennedy Co., incident reports and safety observations go straight to the top, allowing executives to engage directly with subcontractors. This executive involvement fosters a culture of collaboration and shows that the entire company takes safety seriously.

“Executives have more impact than they realize,” Taylor says. Safety Week provides an opportunity for executives to walk job sites and connect with frontline staff, further strengthening the company’s safety culture.

Customized Safety Week Inspections

This year, the safety team at Lee Kennedy Co. plans to use Highwire to design a customized Safety Week inspection. “It’s simple and easy, and we aim to gather valuable data,” Taylor says.

Through these efforts, Lee Kennedy Co. continues to enhance safety and collaboration, ensuring a safer working environment for all.

Meet our Safety Leaders

  • Steve LaRussa, EHS Manager – Google
  • David Watts, EHS Director – Skanska